Wednesday 29 July 2009

Spotify on your iPhone?

Maybe. It depends on whether Apple accepts the submission of a software developed by Spotify which would allow paying users to listen to Spotify through their iPhone.
(update: they rejected it. But keep reading, for an idea of how things might be, some day in the future...)
The most exciting bit is that this application would go beyond the limitations of the network's internet speed. How? Read on...

For the first time Spotify users could store music in their device's memory cache – in other words, you could have a physical copy of the tracks in your iPhone (it would be impossible to download them to a computer, and they would only stay for the time it takes you to enjoy them for a journey on the underground, since when you play new tracks the cache would probably be re-written).

Even with these limitations this would potentially give half-a-decent reason for users to start buying Spotify's premium service, something which so far has happened rarely. (see the alternative method suggested in this old newlsetter).

But perhaps more importantly, this is also a test of how Apple is going to treat a potential conflict of interests, considering that now Spotify would provide a real alternative to buying music on iTunes.
So will it get approved?

Read more about it here (includes a video demo of Spotify's iPhone App)

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