Friday 28 August 2009

Online Mastering from Abbey Road

I first heard of this idea more than one year ago, but in the end it's been launched only now.
Even so, it's quite a shock to the system.

Get your track mastered at Abbey Road for £90 + VAT.

Really? yes, apparently.

Let's consider the implications...

The first and most obvious is that if you had in mind to open a mastering studio, and maybe offer online mastering, you are up against a serious challenge.
Why would anyone choose to master a track with a complete unknown (who, let's be honest, is probably using a pc with a cracked copy of Waves Mercury plugins and two bits of decent outboard) when you can have it done at Abbey-motherf*cking-Road for maybe twenty quid more?

At the same time it is interesting to see how, having already started developing Abbey Road outboard and virtual instruments, now the brand is being used for online mastering. Inevitably one has to consider that this paves the way for a completely virtual Abbey Road, one that doesn't need to have a real brick and mortar facility.
Mmmmh... how the times are changing...

So, should you have your track mastered at Abbey Road (even if it's only online)?
Absolutely, most definitely yes.

For at least two reasons:
1) get it out of your system – have your track mastered in one of the best recording studios of the world and discover that there is more to a great record than mastering; if the end result still doesn't sound right you will have the final proof that what you need is better recording, better arrangement, better mixing.
2) while this is still relatively a new thing, think of the promotional value of having 'mastered at Abbey Road' printed on the credits of your CD! All of a sudden you sound like, you know, someone important :) the whole thing requires you to be a bit shameless, but then Abbey Road offering online mastering is shameless in itself.

Read the official news at

Then register for online mastering at and remember to tell them where you heard of it.

Comments anyone?

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