Sunday 21 June 2009


So as the new studio walls go up over the next week, it's traditionally time to think about putting in a time capsule - from things that remind us of the current day (e.g. my wife's Twilight DVD) to stuff we want to put safely away for the next decade or so (e.g. my wife's Twilight DVD).
Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.


  1. obviously a newspaper in a plastic bag.
    a one pound coin issued this year.
    a guitar pick.
    those twilight dvds.
    a twinkie or some other food product that doesnt expire.
    maybe a dated handwritten letter to who ever may find it with a joke included.
    ashton kutcher.
    i think a porno mag would be cool to find in X years.

    keep us posted on what you end up putting in there.

  2. Federico's glasses and laptop...
